Saturday, April 23, 2016

Free Legal Services Are Crucial For an Effective Judicial System

civil legal service

In many civilized countries there is a certain form of civil legal service  aid that is supposed to ensure that people are not excluded from the judiciary process simply because they happen not to have a lot of money. Some people complain that the provision of free legal services is not sustainable and ends up putting unreasonable pressure on the rest of the economy. In this article I look at some of the main issues that arise in the provision of free legal services especially in the context that the majority of these are supported by tax revenues that the general public contributes to.

An issue that can divide and unite opinion

Where the cost of legal services is too high and there is no provision for a free civil legal service department, you are likely to have a situation whereby the criminal justice system with disproportionately convict the less well of members of the community. Therefore you have a justice system where poverty is equivalent to guilt. The thinking that people will be so aggrieved by the justice system that they will try to find their own means to get legal aid is nonsense. If you are looking for food and the judge wants to commit you for a crime that you did not commit, then you are likely to plead guilty unless there is someone who is willing to provide you with free services that are legal.

Tag: civil legal service

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